Our climate is changing.
Buller needs to plan for now and the future.

Many of our communities already face significant risks and these are only expected to increase over time as our climate changes.

Future Buller is a joint long-term project between Buller District Council and the University of Canterbury to find ways to respond to the changing climate and related events. To do this we need you and your local community to get involved. We want to know your thoughts about what matters in Buller.

While climate hazards threaten some aspects of our lives, many parts aren't affected, or if they are at risk, can be adapted. As a community we need to make changes to adapt to these hazards and all of Buller needs to be involved in this planning and decision-making process.

Part of getting involved is having your say about what is most important and sharing your ideas. Over the next few years, we will be meeting you and your local community to hear your thoughts on climate risk now and in the future.

There are many ways you can be involved, either in person or online, through the different activities.

Community engagement is an ongoing process. There is no one way for effective community engagement so we are using your feedback to inform hui approaches. Please reach out if you would like to connect, email us at futurebuller@resorgs.org.nz.