We want to know your thoughts about what matters in Buller and your ideas about the future.

Check out the two activities below to have your say.

Unsure what to share?

Send an email to our team instead. We’ll be taking notes of your ideas, feedback and concerns to add to the data, too. Email: futurebuller@resorgs.org.nz

What happens next?
In mid to late 2024, we’ll start having conversations (online and in-person) about what the different risks are and how we can start planning for these.

Activity 1: Share what you love about Buller

Activity 2: Share your ideas for the future

How can we adapt to, manage, and respond to different climate risks?

Read through the options on how we can adapt to climate change. Share your ideas in the box below and they will appear as post-it notes on the online noticeboard below. (max 140 characters).

You have 140 characters left
Moderation Policy

How can we adapt to manage and respond to different climate risks?

Read through the explanations below for each option and then share your ideas with us in the space above.
  • Maintain - We enhance what we're already doing.

    We continue to live in an area while increasing knowledge of the environment and aiming to increase community risk awareness. Options include things like emergency response management, maintaining existing infrastructure, broad district-wide land use planning, environmental monitoring and community awareness-raising.

  • Accommodate - We live with the hazard.

    We continue to use land in an area by raising our tolerance to hazards, which means we can avoid or delay the need to remove or relocate at-risk assets in the short term. Options include things like adapting buildings and infrastructure, raising land levels and managing ground and stormwater.

  • Protect - We keep the hazard away.

    We interrupt coastal hazards using soft engineering approaches, hard engineering structures, or a combination of the two to form a barrier between the assets and the hazard. Options include things like shoreline nourishment, seawalls or stopbanks.

  • Retreat - We move away from the hazard.

    We retreat from coastal areas, or relocate existing and planned development to reduce our exposure to the hazards. The hazard risk to assets is reduced or removed entirely, leaving the coast to respond to natural processes. How this might be done and how any compensation might work is currently a work in progress for central government.

  • Avoid - We don't move into the way of hazards.

    We use planning tools to avoid increasing the risk of harm to people and property. Options include things like land zoning or setbacks that prevent development in some areas.

28 August, 2024

Mark B says:

Need to dredge the Buller River upstream of the Buller Bridge in order to deepen it and enable more water to flow out quicker during floods

20 December, 2023

Carters Beach Local says:

Opportunity for community to be involved in risk assessment processes.

20 December, 2023

Carters Beach Local says:

Carters Beach has over 200 homes. Strengthening the bund with rocks on the seaside may help mitigate damage due to storm surges?

20 December, 2023

Carters Beach Local says:

Protect Part 3 Coastal Erosion concerns - No hard engineering. Let the sand erode - planting for dune systems and leaving driftwood as is.

20 December, 2023

Carters Beach Local says:

Protect Part 2 Coastal Erosion concerns - Support for interested groups, BDC leaving it up to a handful of volunteers.

20 December, 2023

Carters Beach Local says:

Protect Part 1 - Carters Beach is at risk of coastal erosion from vehicular access at vulnerable points (i.e. end of Gulf Links Road).

20 December, 2023

Carters Beach Local says:

Would prefer natural methods. Nature plantings and no pollutants.

20 December, 2023

Charleston Local says:

Investigate building Grogne out to sea. One that is accessible for fishing and boating, and adds value to the area.

20 December, 2023

Charleston Local says:

Extend the sea wall in Hector and create one in Granity.

20 December, 2023

Charleston Local says:

Stop housings being built on concrete pads!!

20 December, 2023

Charleston Local says:

Maintain. Accommodate. Protect. Retreat. Avoid.

20 December, 2023

Charleston Local says:

Unifying engagement/information from government contacts through to community (silos).