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  • Community connections

    Meet and greet with locals over a cuppa to explore why certain things are important to community.

  • Climate risk report

    The project team will be presenting to BDC (expected to be held in August 2024).

    Following the acceptance of the report, we will hold events throughout Buller to share the findings and have conversations about what this means for you and your community.

    There will also be supporting activities or events throughout this time across Buller.

  • Climate adaptation

    The adaptation options are based on the risk report and conversations with community.

    We expect to start the process in August 2024 for more community engagement in the second half of the year.

Contact us

If you have questions or want to learn more about the project, contact us below:


Keep in touch

Sign up to be kept informed of upcoming events and happenings with the Future Buller project.